南京审计大学助理教授郭焕修:High-Speed Rail Network, Industry Agglomeration and Urban Water Environment: Evidence from China


2019年4月10日下午,南京审计大学助理教授郭焕修作客我院第137期SEMINAR,分享了题为“High-Speed Rail Network,Industry Agglomeration and Urban Water Environment: Evidence from China”的研究报告。


In this paper, we provide a simple theoretical framework to illustrate the role of High-Speed Rail (HSR) network in improving urban water environment via industry agglomeration. We empirically test the theoretical predictions with a panel dataset of 39 manufacturing industries in 286 Chinese cities from 2004 to 2010. We find that cities with higher centrality in the HSR network tend to have less industrial water pollution. However, this pollution reduction effect is partially offset by the increased level of industrial water pollution in neighboring cities. We further explore the mechanism for such environmental impacts through industry agglomeration, demonstrating the movement of clean manufacturing firms to cities with higher HSR centrality. Based on these results, we provide solid evidence for the HSR in promoting sustainable urban development and warn against the potential environmental conflicts between neighboring cities along the development of HSR network.

