【环境经济学讲座系列】 Derek Lemoine, University of Arizona


IESR Environmental Economics Seminar Series 由暨南大学经济与社会研究院生态文明与环境经济学研究中心举办。讲座系列邀请环境经济学学者分享相关领域内的最新研究。


题目: Incentivizing Negative Emissions Through Carbon Shares

主讲人:  Derek Lemoine, University of Arizona

时间:2021910日,9:00 -10:30 (北京时间)





Derek Lemoine is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Arizona, a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, and an Associate Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research.  His research explores environmental policymaking under uncertainty, the dynamics of climate change policy, the pricing of climate risk, and the interaction between energy systems and innovation, among other topics.  He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 2011.



I analyze a novel climate policy instrument that attaches a transferable asset to each unit of carbon in the atmosphere.  I show that this instrument improves on an emission tax by incentivizing both optimal emission reductions and optimal removal of past emissions.  Emitters post a bond equal to the worst-case social cost of carbon, and the regulator deducts damages as they are realized over time.  Quantitatively, a bond that is double the optimal emission tax is sufficient to provide optimal carbon removal incentives in 95\% of cases.





生态文明与环境经济学中心(Center for Ecological Civilization and Environmental Economics )成立于20194月。中心依托于暨南大学经济与社会研究院,旨在通过加强海内外交流合作,推动对中国生态文明与环境经济问题的研究。中心将致力于成为国际一流的高校科研中心,在产出一系列高水平学术研究成果的同时,结合国家及广东地区生态环境问题的现实需求开展政策研究。


